RFQ Answers

RFQ Answers

What is the budget range for this project? > or < than $75K.Given our position as a not for profit, and in an unpredictable fiscal year ahead we are looking for competitive bids.  Please provide your estimate and the board of directors will approve the final contract. 
Do you have all the assets such as videos and photos for the website or will we need to create?
We have limited assets for the website such as photos and videos.  Yes we would like additional video and photo assets
Will you be providing copywriting for the new site?Our communications and marketing staff can devote resources for the copywriting for the new website, and we can provide student staff to assist.  
Timeline is unrealistic for a website? Do you want us to provide the right timing?Please include in the proposal.
Is the redesign to the one site specific? i.e. we see that StudentVIP.ca is also in association with DCSI, will this also need to be re-branded?Student VIP is the website of the independent contractor, C&C Insurance consultants, as such there would be no branding work needed for this aspect of our service delivery brand.
Are the two domains that the DCSI runs.
Are there any available API's for https://durhamlockers.parkadmin.com/loginDurham Lockers is an independent software system ran by Tomahawk Systems, this is in the third year of a three year contract and as a result may not be the system service provider in the fall of 2021.
Any translation to French?No.
Do you require an SEO solution and implementation?One of the major issues we have experienced is a lack of understanding of our current brand and services.  An SEO solution and implementation would assist with this problem.
Do you have a smtp server that manages your form emails? if not, what tools are you using to manage your forms? Typefrom database system is service which managers online forms. 
How are your PDF's stored on the current site? locally on the site? or on a CDN?PDF are currently hosted as media on the WordPress page.
Are you looking for any new functionality from what you currently have now?We are looking for better functionality in regards to creating a more modern and up to date aesthetic that is easy to navigate through.
-Having better in site search
-Easily accessible event calendar,
-Blog/news update
-Better third party integration (grad photos, healthcare, lockers)
-Social media integration
-Back end for staff login
-Clubs zone (Club events, Club announcements, Clubs registration)
What are you currently using for chat bot system? LiveHelpNow
Social How much content are you looking for?-brand reveal content
-Service explanation /relaunch content
-Brand unity across social channels.

Banner and template designs only?
-Yes, along with brand launch content.
Does social include foreign social media sites such as WeChat?Our current social media platforms are Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, YouTube only.
Does the scope include brand positioning? 
Yes. We do a variety of services but student struggle to identify the totality of what we do, we have weak brand awareness amongst students.
Development of a branding video? How many of these?Creating a video showing all of our services, along with other videos that go into more detail on each service.
Will you supply and distribute the online survey to the students?Looking for you to provide language around survey, DCSI can distribute.
Will the leadership team be available for participating in the positioning workshop?Yes.
How many marketing pieces form part of the rebranding program?Website, Logo, brand standard, colour, useful social media template, email header, poster template, pull up banners, informational booklet on organization, business cards.
If we are to provide new photography, assuming three to four shots a day, how many shots do you feel we will require?Two days of photography for “stock images” to be used.
WayfindingCan you confirm the number and type of signs needing rebranding?We would be looking at 5-10 signs for both our Oshawa and Whitby Campus. Banners in bus loop of college, banners on outside if student centre.
Do we provide the template of typical signs and you are responsible for the message and signing schedule?Yes.
Will we handle up to tendering or to full deployment? Full development.
BudgetBased on clarification of the above questions, do you have a budget of $100,000 to $150,000Given our position as a not for profit, and in an unpredictable fiscal year ahead we are looking for competitive bids.  Please provide your estimate and the board of directors will approve the final contract. 
Will the website require ongoing hosting & maintenence by the selected candidate? Or will the site be hosted and maintaned by DCSI?It is expected that once the website is set up, DCSI staff will be responsible for ongoing hosting and site upkeep.
How often is the chat functionality utilized? Since launching the system we are averaging 4-10 chats a week.
Besides chat, is there any specific functionality you are hoping to add to the new website?We are looking for better functionality in regards to creating a more modern and up to date aesthetic that is easy to navigate through.
-Having better in site search
-Easily accessible event calendar,
-Blog/news update
-Better third party integration (grad photos, healthcare, lockers)
-Social media integration
-Back end for staff login
-Clubs zone (Club events, Club announcements, Clubs registration)
Are there any specific elements of the "DCSI" brand that can not be altered (brand architecture)?There is not.
Is there any plan to incorporate a "student store" into the website in the future and would eCommerce functionality benefit the DCSI website?There is not plans to proceed in this way.
The RFQ asks specifically for "website redesign" and "Web Design". Please clarify if it's simply the design you would like quoted? Or programming / development also?We are looking for design and a fully re-programmed word press site in the back end.